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James Youngblood's portfolio

Masters student at the University of Utah, pursuing a career in computer graphics.

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planets on wgpu link

planets on wgpu

Using the Rust graphics library wgpu, I created a procedural planet generator and deployed it to the web. Terrain, temperature, humidity, and clouds are all generated with shader noise algorithms and affect the color of the planet's surface.


My team created a Unity VR game which allows two players to combat by throwing spells at each other. The players must draw a specific 3D shape to activate a spell. The game served as a proof of concept for our 3D gesture recognizer.

voxelite link


I built a simple chunked voxel terrain system for the Bevy game engine. Chunk data is generated at startup using some simple noise, and chunk meshes are generated when the player moves within a certain distance (a very low distance for this demo).

jesture link


My team created a desktop app using Qt and MediaPipe which dispatches keyboard and mouse events to your computer when you record and perform gestures in front of your webcam.

is music diverging link

is music diverging?

My team created a web article and interactive visualization for exploring the relationships between music genres, and determining empirically whether genres are similar or divergent. The page uses Spotify for data and D3 for rendering the visualizations.